Monday, January 24

Top Two Tuesday - Healthy Snack

Today's Top Two Tuesday is Top Two Healthy Snacks.  A personal BLAH for me but I know Taylor I know your right it IS important, BUT I am kicking and screaming as I'm typing ;) I love this girl!

1. Whole Grain cereal.  My kids LOVE cereal.  Lots of times when we are running to the car they have their bag of cereal to eat on the way to school.

2.   I went to listen to a lady speak at our women's group earlier this year and I was in charge of getting the "snack foods."  We decided they should be healthy so I got an assortment of fruit, hummus, veggies and Pop Chips.  Well, the lady gets up and starts talking......she says, " OK you see all that food over there?  Stay away from that and stick to meat, cheese and eggs" Boy was I embarrassed! I thought I did pretty good especially compared to what we usually get!  So, I have started putting more cheese in my kids snacks, they love fruit which I know for them is great so I do something like this .....NOT nearly as pretty, if you have time for this you ROCK and I bow down to you!

disclaimer....I had my ideas FIRST then found my pictures aren't they cute ideas, with my kids it's all about presentation so I might have to try this!


  1. I love the fruit! Maybe I will be shaping heart fruit for February!

  2. Love the fruit and cheese combo. That will be great!!!

  3. If you try to make the fruit shapes make sure to use small, sharp, metal cookie cutters. Less mess and a better presentation :)

  4. Stopping by from Top 2 Tuesday. I love your blog!

    Adorable choices!! My kids would love both of those!

    If you stop by and decide to follow me, please be sure to let me know in a comment. I always follow blog. I love connecting with other personal bloggers!

    Happy Tuesday! Love, Mommy Kerin

  5. My kiddos are the same way.. they even know where I keep the little baggies for their cereal/snacks, go straight to it and then bring me the bag. Ha!

  6. Stopping back by to let you know I'm following you back :)

  7. my little loves cheese! he eats string cheese right up.
