Monday, January 24

Menu Monday

Monday - Chili, yes again but it was such a big hit and I like to stick with what works! (I am making more this time so I can have leftovers for lunch)

Tuesday - Cheesy Chicken Casserole

Wednesday - Enchiladas

Thursday - I have NO I might sneak the kids and I to Pizza Garden since Ryan will be working late

Friday - Spaghetti and Meat Sauce

I love doing this because it keeps me organized and gives me a plan so I am not blindly going to the grocery store wandering around trying to find stuff for us to eat!

The next two weeks are going to be non-stop for me here is my schedule (minus C's karate 5 times a week)

Monday- Museum and RCIA

Tuesday- Confirmation retreat planning meeting

Wednesday - Festival of Tables planning

Thursday - EMPTY! for now, I think i will be making a BIG Check to present to the nuns for our charity in women's group. If you have ever made one I would love some pointers!

Friday - I will be helping with the CHRP retreat

Saturday - Helping with CRHP

Sunday - Helping with CRHP and working on Festival of Tables

Monday - RCIA

Tuesday - Confirmation retreat planning meeting

Wednesday - Festival of Tables preparation 

Thursday - Set up for Festival of Tables

Friday - RECOVER from Festival of Tables and head to church for confirmation retreat

Saturday - Confirmation retreat (B's Birthday is this day but we are celebrating on the 11th since I will be gone.


So there it is my next two weeks in a nutshell all that plus being Wife and Mommy, I LOVE IT!  Maybe just maybe we will sell our house in there somewhere too!

1 comment:

  1. Your husband must be a wonderful man to deserve such a hard working wife and mother of his children. Wonder what he did to deserve all that. Hmm..........
