So I wish I had a picture to show this, however I will do my best to describe my wackiness that is Wednesday.
B REFUSES to wear clothes........
One Example |
He has figured out how to take off his clothes and diaper and does it constantly. Three times in the past week he has woken up naked......and even one time I can only describe it as a "monkey in a cage" you know what monkeys love to do, well yes B had a great time imitating a monkey in his crib one morning. What a mess that was ewwwww boys are so gross. Well, now this kid has moved on to taking his clothes off in public Just yesterday I was out to lunch with a good friend and spiritual mentor and my son decided he no longer wanted to wear his shirt at the table, he removed it and kept removing it every time I took it off. NOT FUNNY KID!!! OK, maybe a little funny but man give your Mommy a break. And so of course today while I was getting my car inspected he did the same thing. The poor kid doesn't even have a six pack.....just a mini keg! I sure hope he grows out of it before we have a "situation" on our hands. If any one happens to have any tips please share.....I am not above using duct tape!
In other news
Our house is officially on the market! It took three days of preparation and we are ready to go. We had to move the computer into the old playroom and turn it into an official office which caused me to lose my computer for a day and a half. But I am back with a promise of my first GIVEAWAY very very soon so keep checking back! If you know anyone who is looking to buy or (gulp) even rent a home in the Keller/Watauga area please please send me an email: and I will get you the details. We have loved our house and done some really great things to it, we have simply outgrown it.
Great idea to rent it out if you can! B knows how cute he is, so he can get away with it!